Monday, 21 October 2013

Summary of John Ruskin's Sesame and Lilies Lecture 1 -Sesame or The King’s Treasuries

            John Ruskin opens his essay by apologizing for the ambiguity in the title.  He says that the title is ambiguous and figurative in nature.  By king’s treasuries, he means the best books written by the most brilliant authors and not other material things.  The whole of the lecture is about books and the way to read them.

          He says that modern education is materialistic and it aims at advancement.  This aim is narrow.  The speaker says that love of praise and reputation moves humankind primarily.  On the other hand, duty moves them secondarily.  He says that clever persons wish to become high in status.  To achieve higher status we should have sincere and good friends.

          Best books are said to be best friends.  He divides books into four types:
i)             Good books of the hour – has enlightened talks of some persons.  They could talk about travels or in the form of novels.
ii)           Good books for all life
iii)         Bad books of the hour
iv)          Bad books for all life

          Great authors, statesmen, philosophers and thinkers write books for all life.  Nobody can enter into these unless they stoop.  We must enter into the thoughts of such writers, which is a difficult task.  They write long sentences and serious thoughts are hidden in those sentences.  So we should read them carefully.

          An educated man need not know all things but he must learn a few languages.  He must be aware of words and its origins.  English language is of a mongrel breed.  Their words are deceptive.  For example the word condemn originates from the Greek word “damno”.  It does not have the power of the Greek word in it.  A good scholar must know the vital meanings of words.  Ruskin asks the readers to read Max Muller’s “The Science of Languages” to understand English language better.

          Later Ruskin analyses Milton’s Lycidas.  He considers Milton as a great scholar.  Common minds are full of filth and prejudice.  It should be cleansed.  It is necessary to burn the jungle of bad ideas than to sow the fertile ground among thorns.

          The real gift of great writers is that they kindle passion in us.  Passions are good things but they must be tested and disciplined.  In England, passion means low-headed crimes.  Ruskin attacks English people.  They are under the control of passion.  English people spend a lot of money and time in horse and not in books.

          English people despise science.  There are very few utilitarian inventions in England when compared with other countries.  English arts are far behind other countries.  English people destroy nature and create racecourse.  English economics is also very poor.  There is wide gap between the rich and the poor.  The churches and the cathedrals are also current in England.

          Ruskin concluded his lecture by saying that a nation rich in literature would be the best in the world.  A king must be sympathetic to his people and he should encourage people to read more books.


  1. You failed to mention the limitations of a good book. Another important part of the lecture was how a good book comprises of the best and most worthwhile or valuable part of the writers life and what he conceived from it. Also, Ruskin does not agree with all books being good, as well as not agreeing with the fact that all good books are not necessarily meant to be intentionally written. He gave the example of letters one writes to his friends related to life's events like travels and studies. If the language and description of the letters is appropriate and rich, some day they might end up compiled to form a "good book". And finally, the purpose of a good book is to make one persons voice and teachings be heard by millions, so that the enlightening council of this particular person does not remain limited to the knowledge of few.

  2. Its good to understad the main theme of this essay.!
    Your blog is good.! :)

  3. thanks a lot for summarising it beautifully

  4. simple and central ideas are summed up in a brief manner..Thank you

  5. précised notes& easy to understand even for the stranger of "sesame and lilies"

  6. It is crisp and clear THQ u so much

  7. It is crisp and clear THQ u so much

  8. It is crisp and clear THQ u so much

  9. thanks a lot for summarizing the idea of the long speech with simple words. by edison.aruldass@

  10. It is really useful. Thank you.

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