Sunday, 15 April 2012

Summary of Sarojini Naidu's "Bangle-Sellers"

            Sarojini Naidu is a famous Indian poet.  She has written many poems in English.  She is called the nightingale of India.  “Bangle-Sellers” talk about different bangles that Indian women wear.

The Bangle-Sellers
            The bangle-sellers take bangles to temple fairs.  They sell it in the temple fair.  The bangles are colourful.  They are circle in shape.  They make the women happy.  The bangles attract the poet because of its colour.  Women love to wear bangles.  The poet describes the different colours of bangles used by different women, according to their ages.

Bangles for Maidens
            The poet says that maidens wish to wear silver and blue colour bangles.  They also choose reddish colour bangles.  Some maidens choose green colour bangles.  The green colour is like the colour of newborn leaves.

Bangles for Bride
            Brides choose corn coloured bangles.  They choose bangles of fire colour.  The fire coloured bangles are like the colour of the fire during their marriage.

Bangles for Mothers
            Mothers, who have experienced life, choose purple and gold-flecked grey colour bangles.  Those women would have passed half of their life.  They would have given birth to children.  They wear such bangles and pray to God, by sitting with their husbands.

Summary of A. D. Hope's "Australia"

A.D. Hope is an Australian poet. Australian poets write about aborigins (native Australians) and about their identity in their poems. The poem Australia talks about the present condition of Australia.

The present condition of Australia:
            Australia was once a land of trees, but today it is full of war and soldiers. The lands are now covered by the military uniforms – green and grey. Its hills are dark and broken like the broken lion statues of Egypt.
            People call Australia as an young country. The poet does not agree with them because Australia has a long history. It has its own songs, arts and history. It may look young but it has a long history to tell.
            The aborigins are enslaven by the alien countries. The aborigins does not live but they are said to ‘survive’. The five major cities of Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Canberra and Adelaide) are colonised. The aborigins are chased out by the alien rulers. The original citizens are no more given equal rights.

            The poet is hopeful. He ends the poem with a positive note. He says that some prophet would emerge or come from the Australian ground, who would claim freedom and rights to liberate the aborigins and Australian culture from the colonisers.

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